Happy Day

Happy Day

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Falling off the workout wagon

How did this happen?  How did I get so off course?  I need to do better.  This is the conversation I am having with myself over my morning coffee.  It is too late to go hop on the treadmill or pop in my favorite dvd, it is 7am.   I already have 4 little faces staring at me and they look hungry.  I am disappointed in myself, for getting off track in the first place.  But it happens.  For me, this time, it was a trip to California for my sisters wedding.  Ironic really, because that was my reason in the first place for climbing aboard the workout wagon.  It is funny how that happens.  I even packed my clothes thinking my DH and I would get up and go on a nice invigorating walk each morning before the days activites began.  Seriously what was I thinking????  Two parents minus five kids equals SLEEP.  Needless to say we didn't get out of our warm bed and our very quiet room.  I came home frustrated with myself as I unpacked the neatly folded workout clothes.  They hadn't been touched, just pushed to the side so I could grab my heels and my clutch.

I have been back over a week and have only managed to get in about 3 workouts.  How does the motivation leave me so soon?  When you are doing so great and then suddenly it is gone, and it is twice as hard to get it back.  Perphaps it is the 2 year old that has crawled into bed with me at 4am and is now snuggled in so close I am about to fall off the bed.  He is just too cute to move, plus the last thing I want is to wake him.  I better stay put, so I don't disturb this sleeping toddler that can easily turn into a crabby toddler.    Really I know I need to give myself a break and try to fit in something later in the day.........an almost impossible task but it has been done.

What I miss is my alone time.  It is the only chance I get all day for some peace.  I can actually hear my own thoughts before the house erupts with every noise on the planet.  My workout makes me feel great.  It gives me a sense of accomplishment.  It is only 6am and I already get to mark something off my list!  If I can remember to spend some time praying while I am pounding away that would be 2 checks (moms multitasking).  Ahhhh what a great feeling.  If anyone has ideas on how to sneak in burst of workouts on these days I fall off the workout wagon, I would love to hear them..  Until then I resolve to do better tomorrow for my own sanity and my kids too!

Until next time.........happy day!


  1. I hope you get your alone time...you must be VERY busy with 5 under 6, I had 3 under 4, now growing faster than I can keep up with. Now following from MBC.

  2. Stopping by from MBC. Wow 5 kids - I dont know how you do it. I cant seem to manage 2 :). Following you now!

  3. I feel your pain. although i only have one at home now. at one time i had two under 6 and it was hard to get anything done now i just have the one and i cna tget a work out in at all. its been weeks and im still struggling with the guilt in my head for not being motivated enough to get up and do some exercise. following you form MBC
