Happy Day

Happy Day

Monday, February 22, 2010

Never let them see you FRAZZLED

The witching hours are famous in our house for being the craziest part of the day, usually between 4-6 pm.  It is really the time of day when everything you have worked so hard to keep together goes haywire!  Babies are crying in unison, the 2 year old is laying on the floor kicking his feet in protest of anything you might be suggesting, 5&6 years olds are complaining that they are starving to death, and the mom who actually looks like she has had a makeover performed by trained monkeys.  She is completely dishevelled with her hair in a semi ponytail that is now off to the side, her clothes are covered in dried who knows what, but now can only be described as "crud".  She has to pull it together because you can never let them see you frazzled or they will take over, during your moment of weakness.

I wonder is this only my house?  It has happened at every stage of my mommy life.....1 child, 2 children, 3 and now with 5 it can get very loud!  It happens even when daddy is home.  Just last night I was sitting at my computer working on my blog (quietly).  He had offered to make dinner so I thought I would take a few minutes for myself.  Well, my few minutes must have turned into 25 because the next thing I hear is "Don't you hear that?  Don't you need to do something?!  It is so loud in this house!"  Whoa what did I miss?  Is someone hurt, bleeding, dying?  Nope just the usual mass chaos has broken out and their leader (my dear sweet husband) is crumbling.  Poor guy.  In his defense he is a wonderful father and has so much patients but he usally doesn't get home until 7 long after these witching hours have taken place.  Usually 2 out of the 5 are already in bed and the other 3 are so excited to see him he doesn't mind the excitement. 

I really try to avoid these meltdowns at all costs by planning dinners early, making sure everyone has the proper amount of sleep, snacks at around 3:30, and perphaps a bath to help combat the crankiness.  Nothing really seems to stop this time from being crazy but some of it does help.  It gets really sticky in the nights we have dance, wrestling, awana, or any other function.  The end result is usually one or both babies screaming half way home only to fall asleep the moment my front tire hits the driveway.  Sigh..............

Tonight is actually easier believe it or not....why?  My DH called at 8am and told me he was going to be working very late.  I don't suppose things are going well for him if at 8am he already knows this!  For me this means there is no extravagant meal (that is a joke) I need to make.  The fact that I forgot to lay out any meat to prepare something yummy doesn't have to make my night any more chaotic.  It is the blue box for my kids, who by the way are overjoyed, and a lean cuisine for me.  

Will it get better the older they get?  When they are 5, 7, 9, &10 will I be able to get dinner pulled together in peace or will there still be tempers flaring?  Until then I will try not to let them know that I am struggling to keep it together too! 

Until next time.......Happy Days.


  1. Wow, you have your hands full!! I have 2, and they are about all I can handle. Following from MBC. Nice to meet you!

  2. wow... i would swear that you had been at my house the way you explained that... LOL..... its funny my hubby cooks dinnner alot on his days off or when he gets off early... BUT if i try to crochet or work on an order he says "can you get these kids please" really... i do this everyday you just deal with them LOL have a good day

  3. Thanks you guys! I am glad it isn't just my house. When I am struggling through the witching hours tonight I will know I am good company!

  4. Following you back ;) cute kiddos!
