Happy Day

Happy Day

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Happy Birthday!!!!

I just want to say happy birthday to my beautiful babies (I get to call you babies till you are 2) Jake & Alice.  On this very day last year at 6:23pm and 6:24pm (Jake is oldest) you both enter this world with gusto and as perfect as can be.  I was shocked and in denial you were coming hence the showing up at the hospital dilated to 10cm and my water breaking the moment I tried to climb in to bed.  Thank goodness for my little plug Alice laying sideways or you would have been born in the Canon.  It was so amazing to have two of you at once, such a new experience.  At that moment I knew why God gave me two arms one to hold Baby A and Baby B.

Today, you are both now 1 and so different.  This year has gone faster than any other years.  I am now convinced that the more children you have the faster it goes.  I remember every detail of my pregnancy with you and your "Birth Day".  I was all amazing and went too fast.  You have both grown and changed so much in the last year.  Alice you are so delicate and petite and Jake you remind me so much of the other 3.  Today was a perfect day just being home with you and not missing a second of your big day or any other day for that matter.  I am so blessed to be a stay at home mom, I love every second of it. 

Your First Birthday's Highlights:
Grace woke you up singing happy birthday
Mommy made you pancake and even let you have a little syrup on them
You swung outside
You got to eat your first pb&j and it was made by Grace
Sam sang to you about 6 times and never forgot the cha cha cha at the end.
Mommy made you homemade chocolate cake -if you had been 1 or 2 born you would have gotten something healthier:-)
Grace decorated it
Jake you stuff you face so bad and even rubbed your eyes
Alice you ate it like a little princess
Daddy came home to spend lunch with you and to assemble you new rides
Grace and Drew pushed you around for an hour on them!
You had lots of Birthday calls and skypes with everyone who loves you!!!
It was a very quiet and peaceful day much different than the craziness of your birth but all special in the same way.

We love you so much Jake and Alice!!!!!

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