Happy Day

Happy Day

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bad mommy...................

"You are the meanest mommy I ever met" these are words my two year old has been saying to me lately whenever he is in trouble. In his defense he in trouble a lot and I am probably the meanest/only mommy he has ever met. These words aren't hurtful and yes, they make me chuckle because when he says it he has a scowl on his face that is a cross between a wink, a blink and a mad face, which are all funny. I usually tell him "he is the nicest Sam I ever met" and he just looks at me not sure what to say. He really is the cutest thing ever! Some days I do feel like the "meanest mommy ever". I mean I seriously think I can go a whole day without saying "yes". My kids ask if they can do something and I feel like my immediate reaction is to say "no". I am working on it really I am, I would like to be the "bestest mommy I ever met." He did say this too me once but he was just buttering me up to ask for candy! I think I say "no" a lot because I am trying not to spoil them, teach them can't have everything they want, and the biggest is I want them to grow-up to be very humble grateful people. Motherhood is so tough because the moment you hold your newborn baby you can't imagine not giving them everything in the world. I feel by saying "no" (sometimes, not all day long) I am giving them everything in the world by teaching them: love, honesty, respect, forgiveness, integrity, discipline, and love again. I know there are days were I am walking a fine line of ruling with an iron fist to being a total push over. No one ever said Motherhood was easy or that we would have all the right answers. I hope by the time my kids read this they decide I fell somewhere in-between "the meanest and the bestest mommy they ever met." I will settle for "you were a very loving and understanding mom who taught me to be a good person."


  1. This is soo true! Trying to find the balance seems hard. I have a 5 month old baby so we are at the give her the world stadge, but I also know I do not want to spoil her. We will see :)

  2. I love the 5 mo stage!!! Don't worry about spoiling until 2:-)))) Enjoy!

  3. Sam loves his candy. :) There was a video on YouTube I watched a while ago about a boy his age that told his mommy how much he loved her when she gave him candy. She asked if he would still love her if he didn't get candy today, and he shook his head sadly and said, "No."
