Happy Day

Happy Day

Monday, March 1, 2010

Wrestling Mom

I had to do a follow up on this wrestling phenomenon that is sweeping our household. We went to Drew's meet on Saturday.....all 7 of us! My husband was a little apprehensive, okay a lot. All of us in a small hot gym with 300 other people, sounds fun. Well, I didn't care I was not going to miss it. Everyone did great and I am glad we went. Drew's 1st match lasted about 35 seconds with him immediatly pinning his oponent. His 2nd one lasted about 45 seconds also with the same out come. I was amazed. Drew was now going to wrestle in the championship match for 1st place. I really couldn't believe how good he was. Most of the kids when they wrestled just did a log roll the whole time, but Drew was actually doing moves. He would do a take down and immediately put a half nelson on the kid.(I am learning a lot of the wrestling lingo) He was listening to the coach so intently and then doing exactly what he said. I really couldn't believe my little 5 year old was capable of doing this all so well. Every match brought a tear to my eye and a smile to my face as I watched my stone cold son wrestle.

The championship match was a lot tougher for him. It really made him disciplined to keep after it and not give up. He never let up once, after take down, after take down. He kept going. Even when he was tired he still never gave up. Drew won the match on points 22 to 11. What a proud moment when he recieved his Gold Medal. My mind has totally changed on this sport. This is an individual sport which is great for my quiet shy little boy. He is learning to listen and self perseverance about sticking with it no matter what. He is so proud of what he is doing too. On Sunday, he wore his wrestling shirt and medal everywhere we went. I am now proud to be a wrestling mom!

1 comment:

  1. awww... That is so cute. He sounds really good. Congratulations on the win.
